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Outcome-led product organisations.

Set your product organisation up to deliver the outcomes that matter to your business.

Outcome-focused product organisations.

Set your product organisation up to deliver the outcomes that matter to your business.

Why do product organisations find it hard to be outcome-led?​

In our experience, product organisations embedded within larger brands often find it particularly difficult to get this right. There can be a variety of reasons for this (often relating to the complexity and scale of the brand itself), but the most common challenges we see are:

How to define product

Decomposing a complex business

How to identify good outcomes

Being accountable for the right things

How to embed good behaviours

Creating empowered, responsible product teams

How to navigate around legacy tech

Delivering value quickly

Replay: Watch our talk @ Product-Led Summit 2023

"Why do product organisations find it hard to be outcome-led?"

Niall Lavery (Founder & CEO) & Alastair Grey (Product Director) dive into why so many product organisations struggle to become fully outcome-led, outlining the four main problems that appear on that journey and how to appropriately solve them.

Why do product organisations find it hard to be outcome-led?​

The most common challenges we see are:

  • How to define product.

  • How to identify good outcomes.

  • How to embed good behaviours.

  • How to navigate around legacy tech.

Our thinking.

Defining product

Defining product

Outcome-led product organisations

An important part of any digital transformation is the change from traditional IT and business departments into multi-disciplinary product teams.  This change unlocks improved speed-to-market and better customer and commercial outcomes.

However…this is not an easy change for big organisations to make.

Good outcomes

Good outcomes

Outcome-led product organisations

One of the fundamental tenets of how Veriteer drives business change is keeping a laser focus on target outcomes. This is surprisingly challenging in big, complex, change programmes, with teams often feeling more comfortable focusing on activities, outputs, or timelines.

However, that’s not exactly what this article is about. A more interesting, and often ignored, topic is how to define good target outcomes in the first place.

There is a lot of content out there that defines and compares different objectives frameworks (e.g. OKRs, balanced scorecards, OMTM), but there is less discussion about the magic required to make sure that these frameworks are populated with good outcomes.

Principles for a good product taxonomy

Principles for a good product taxonomy

Outcome-led product organisations

There are many ways to define the concept known as ‘product’. One of the simplest (and therefore one of our favourites), is that a product is an offering that delivers user value, or facilitates the delivery of value. This definition clearly establishes product as far more than just technology and positions a product as something that can act to deliver an outcome.

However, like most definitions of product, it’s a little bit fuzzy.

The 5-altitudes model

Outcome-led product organisations

It is a regrettable fact that most large organisations experience turf wars between different teams. This is especially true for new, or rapidly growing, departments.

There are many reasons for this issue: structural, cultural, behavioural. But based on our experience of working with some of the world’s biggest brands, one of the most common reasons is how brands connect strategy and operations.

Principles as a decision-making tool

Outcome-led product organisations

Good strategy is about making the right decisions at the right time. Sometimes that means being really explicit up front and narrowing the option space to drive towards a very specific future. Other times, it’s about leaving large parts of the option space open and enabling agility in the pursuit of a clear goal.

At Veriteer, we have a tendency towards the latter approach. Only set the critical elements of strategy in stone and leave as much wriggle room as possible for enroute innovation.  As a result, principles feature heavily in our strategies.

The benefits of outcome-led product organisations

Great Customer Experience
Increased customer & commercial value

Reduced Customer Churn
Improved customer experience

Gain Competitive Advantage
Happier, more motivated teams

Increased Customer Value
Greater competitive advantage

Join us at Product-Led Summit

NOV 29-30, London O2 Intercontinental

The benefits of outcome-led product organisations

Great Customer Experience
Increased customer and commercial Value

Reduced Customer Churn
Better customer experience

Gain Competitive Advantage
Happy, motivated product teams

Increased Customer Value
Greater competitive advantage

Why Veriteer?

What makes Veriteer perfect to guide you on your growth journey?​

  • We've helped some of the world's biggest brands.
  • We don't want to do product for you, just help you do it better.
  • We're obsessed about product.
  • We're on your side, all of the time.

Why Veriteer?

What makes Veriteer the perfect partner to guide you on your product journey?

  • We've helped some of the world's biggest brands.
  • We don't want to do product for you, just help you do it better.
  • We're obsessed about product.
  • We're on your side, all of the time.